Dida Jirma Bulle
Marsabit County Referral Hospital
Dida Jirma Bulle has worked for the last 21 years at the Ministry of Health in Kenya. He volunteered to help tackle the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone, for which he received national recognition. He now heads Beyond Zero, which is aimed at improving maternal and health outcomes in the country. He faced multiple challenges – the largest of them being road access to communities badly in need of healthcare.
Challenged with a lack of vehicles, he decided to use what was available and transport the commodities, to ensure that remote communities continued to have access to medical services. His efforts have opened up more avenues for the treatment of minor illnesses, immunization of children under five and have enabled the avoidance of higher treatment costs by addressing problems early.
Nurse Dida showed resolve in making sure that he serves as many people as he can, despite many hurdles. He now looks forward to more support that will increase the reach of his work.
Learn about a day in the life of Nurse Dida here.